Monday, September 26, 2011

Assignment #4: If I Were the Teacher...

Imagine you were a teacher and had several iPads in your classroom.  What would you do?

Please comment on this post and tell us how you would make use of the iPads if you were a teacher.  If a certain app is needed, please include the name. Here are a few examples:
  • If I were a Math teacher, I would use Screen Chomp.  I would give my students a problem, then have them work in groups to figure it out.  Once they figured it out, I would have them record how they solved it and email it to me.  I could review them after class and then share some of the good solutions (or go over errors) with them on the next class day.
  • If I were a teacher, I would have a student type notes in Pages and then put them in a shared Dropbox, First Class conference, or Google group for the rest of the class to view.
  • If I were a Science teacher, I would use iMovie to record info on a lab and then post it for my students to watch before they come to class on a particular day.  I would also have one person in each lab group being in charge of documenting the lab.  They would have to record everyone's hypotheses, questions, and participation.  Then they would edit it with text and send it to me to review.
  • If I were a teacher, I would use iCal to keep track of all my lesson plans.  I would use the notes feature to record what I need to go over with my class.
This assignment is due Friday, October 7th.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Assignment #3: iPads by Subject

During our meeting last week we discussed which classes you all were able to use your iPads in and which classes you were not able to use them.  For some, it was because of the layout of the class and for others, it was because your teachers either encourage or discourage their use.  For this assignment, please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible:
1.  Which classes are you using the iPad in the most?  Why do you think this is?  What sorts of things are you doing with them in these classes?
2.  Which classes are you using the iPad the least?  Why do you think this is?  What ideas do you have for how they could be used in these classes?
3.  What grade are you in?

Please do not use any teachers' names - only class names.  This assignment is due on September 23rd.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Save the Date: iPad Lunch and Learns

We will be holding two iPad Lunch and Learns over the next few weeks. Both sessions will be held in the meeting room inside the high school library 12:40-1:30. These meetings are not mandatory.  If you would like to join us for either, please bring your lunch and iPad.
Wednesday, September 21st: Pages and Keynote on the iPad
Wednesday, October 5th: iMovie on the iPad

Monday, September 5, 2011

Mandatory Meeting on 9/7

Below are the responses for two of our questions from our mandatory meeting on September 7th. Thank you to everyone who attended!