Monday, August 29, 2011

Assignment #2: First Impressions

While everyone seems to be enjoying the iPad as a new learning tool, everyone has had different experiences in their classes.  What has been the hardest/easiest/most surprising part of your experience with using the iPad? Please comment to this post and answer all three parts of the question in as much detail as possible.  Don't forget to enter your name when posting.
Please comment to this post and and answer all three of the questions below:
1. What have you found to be the best thing about having an iPad at school?
2.  What have you found to be the worst thing about having an iPad at school?
3.  What has been the most surprising thing about having an iPad at school?


  1. Emma Ming
    1) The best thing is the convenience is The iPad isn't as heavy as a laptop and is easier to just jot notes down fast. And of course the touch screen is wonderful.
    2) the worst thing is that I'm always afraid that I will drop it/break it.
    3) the most surprising thing is how much my teachers are okay with me using it and how cool they think it is.

  2. 1. The best thing about having an iPad is that I am able to just take it out really quickly and take notes in class without having to take out pencil and paper.

    2. The worst thing about having an iPad is that people are always asking me to look at it and take pictures on it and look stuff up for them.

    3. The most surprising thing is how much the teachers encourage me to use it in class, suggest great apps for me to download, and thinks it is so great that I have one.

  3. 1: It is easy to take notes on and I have recently put my entire math book on my iPad so I don't have to carry it around.
    2: Most classrooms expect you to write your notes in binders so you you can't write your notes in your iPad.
    3: The most suprisingnthing is that it's really easy to carry around to all of my classrooms.

  4. 1. All of the info you need for school is write there in your iPad
    2. The worse thing is you can't write math notes on the iPad
    3. There are many cool ways that you can write down notes

  5. 1. I think the best thing about having the iPad at school is that I can do most of my work on it without having to carry around huge binders.
    2. The worst thing about having it at school is that I am always getting freaked out about making sure it doesn't break or anything.
    3. The most surprising thing about having it at school is that I can take pictures of all the handouts that I am given, and just have them on my iPad.

  6. 1. The Best thing about having the iPad at school is the efficiency of its ussage in many ways: less paper used, great for notes for any subject including math.
    2. As it does encourage other iPad users not doing the program try to get note taking apps and such, they are always asking for it and seems to grab their attention as if it were an exhibition.
    3. How much easier it has been to actually be organized and the teacher's almost demanding for us to use it.

  7. 1. The best thing about having an iPad is all of your work is stored on here, history, science, math, notes, lit, etc. I helps to have it with you so you don't have to lug everything else with you.
    2. Worrying about loosing it is the worst part for me, also the fact that I am frantic about the iPad getting stolen and I set up a lock, and it takes time unlocking and locking the lock repetively.
    3. I never realized how many cool, educational features there are available like Keynote and lots of other helpful apps.

  8. 1) The best thing is being able to Google things in class (not cheating on anything) and look up the definition of words. I also used it for an in class essay. I have to say, being able to check firstclass anytime.
    2) The worst thing is that I can't find an app that organizes my binders/notes in a way that is comfortable for me. Most teachers want you to have a binder for your notes, in class work, and hand outs. Unless the teacher emails the handout to me, I can't look at them on the iPad.
    3) I've been surprised at how multi-purpose it is. One minute I'm checking Jen's webpage for algebra, the next I'm looking at an article about the Neolithic Revolution.

  9. 1. The best part about having the iPad at school is the its usefulness in making flashcards for study on the go, as well as creating documents on the go. This usefulness has allowed me to finish my work much quicker and study better.
    2. The worst part about having the iPad at school is that it can be a hassle to take notes because it takes time to pull up the app and setup a blank document to begin note taking. For me, taking notes on the iPad is convienent because all my notes wll be in one place where i can pull up anyime, but notetaking with handwriting js much quicker for me.
    3. What has been surprising about it is how i can practically use any of its feautures in all of my class.

  10. 1. The best part about having the iPad at school is Otis easy to carry and can be taken out for quick look ups or to record voices if I think I may need to review what the teacher is saying lar on.
    2. The worst part about having the iPad at school is there are so many different apps to try and while they are all good none has everything so I have to use many different apps. It can be confusing and stressful and I'm afraid I'll lose my stuff sometimes.
    3. At the most surprising thing is how little I use it at school, it's mostly been for homework; writing, research, and especially FirstClass email.

  11. 1. The best pert about having the iPad at school is that it is so much more convenient then a computer, it's lighter, smaller, and a hole lot more fun.
    2. I think the worst thing about having the iPad at school is that I'm afraid it will get broken or stolen. I always have my backpack with me because i don't want to leave my iPad in my locker.
    3. The most surprising thing to me is that it works just as well as a laptop and all of my teachers are okay with me using my iPad for notes.

  12. 1. The best thing about having the iPad is that it is very helpful with my shcool work, because instead of me having to get my a heavy binder out I can just use the iPad to write notes.
    2. The worst thing about having an iPad at school is that I think that I will drop or mess up the screen.
    3. The most suprising thing about having an iPad is that the teachers encourage us to get apps that can be helpful for us to use in the classroom.

  13. 1) The best thing about having an iPad is that it's so much lighter than all my notebooks, so it's more convenient to take with me from class to class. I also love that since I have all my notebooks with me I can quickly pull up the notes I need for a specific class
    2)The worst thing about the iPad is that I can't "write" very well on it. I love writing my notes, but even with a stylus my writing comes out messy.
    3)The surprising thing about the iPad is that during social studies, my teachers will specifically ask those who have iPads to take notes, so we can keep information all in one place. The teachers encourage us to use our iPads to learn.

  14. 1. The best thing about having the iPad for school has been taking notes with it. I love being able to record classes, type or handwrite notes, and annotate with different colors easily, which makes my notes easier for me to understand. Plus, I now only have to carry with me one binder for any handouts as opposed to one for each class. This is way more convenient for me.
    2. I would say the worst thing so far has been my friends constantly asking to use it. In some cases, they have a valid reason, but for the most part they just want to get on the internet or play games, and I get tired of telling them to stop.
    3. The most surprising thing for me has been how many different ways I can use the iPad. It seems that whenever I need to do something, be it write down an idea or look up a fact, having my iPad always makes it easier. I use it for all of my classes, and I learn about more features and possibilities everyday.
    -Katharine W

  15. (Kirstiana)
    1. The best part about having the iPad for school, is how easy it is to carry around and how convienient it is to take certain notes with and look up certain things.
    2. The worst thing about the iPad is that you can't really take notes on it for subjects like spanish or math. Also, the only way to sort your notes is to print them out, so you still have to have a binder for that and for handouts from the teacher, unless they email those to you.
    3 The most surprising thing for me about the iPad was that I really do use it constantly, whether for looking up words, finding articles, taking notes, and that there's apps for all of that, and they're mostly free! I wasn't sure if it would really be that useful, but in almost all of my classes the iPad has helped me substantially and I use it constantly.

  16. Jordan B-1)The best part would be being able to have our textbooks on the iPad and not having to lug around a lot of heavy books. Andrew Morris emailed scanned pages of the Algebra 1 textbook to a lot of eighth graders.

    2)I dont like that a lot of teachers would rather have our notes in a notebook so sometimes i feel like it's not helping me to use the iPad.

    3)At first I just thought iPads were meant for play when they first came out, but it's surprised me how educational it can be too.

  17. 1) I think that the best thing about the iPad is that it's very light and easy for me to pull out any time. I can also lighten my book bag because I can get my math book online.

    2) I think that the worst thing on the iPad is that I always worry about dropping it and I have to take it out slower than I usually take out anything.

    3) The most surprising thing about the iPad is that i'm so used to using pencil and paper and i'm surprised that it's so easy to pull out your iPad and take notes.

  18. 1) The best thing about having the iPad is being able to research or look up any thing really quickly.

    2) The worst thing about the iPad is I'm always worried about it getting stolen or accidentally breaking it.

    3) The most supprising thing about having the iPad how easy it acctually is to type on it.I thought that I would have to use a wireless keyboard to type.

  19. 1. The best thing about having the ipad is for being able to research anything for school, and to have all my homework assignments stored on it

    2. The worst thing about having the iPad is that I'm always worrying about dropping it, and breaking it.

    3. I was surprised how easy it is to type note or homework assignments on it, I thought it would be much harder

  20. i love having the iPad for taking notes - i type WAY faster than i write - and i love that it's light and easy to transport. It's also really great to have when i'm working with other people, rather than someone dictating and someone else writing it's a lot quicker to type on my iPad so we can all be part of the conversation. i also love how all my notes are in one place! the iPad is most helpful in history class, where i'm taking a lot of notes that all build off of each other. I haven't been using this long enough to know how typing my notes affects my ability to memorize (i memorize by writing things out), so i'll report back on that in a couple weeks.

    i don't like how a lot of websites can't be processed by the iPad in desktop mode (particularly Google Docs) and how i cant have two windows open at the same time. I also don't like how difficult it is to do things without shortcuts (ie ctrl+z) and selecting, copying and pasting is a real hassle. On the other hand, those are all things that have to do with the technology.

    the most surprising thing is how much it has helped me stay organized. I have big (i mean big) issues with keeping track of everything. Since all my notes are in one place, and yet still categorized and editable, i can't forget which binder i put my notes in.

  21. 1. The best thing about having an iPad, is that you can write and do and look up all your homework, and it's sooooooo much easier, because you can just take out your iPad and do your homework!
    2. The worst thing about the iPad, is that, first of all, if you loose it, and if your depending on the iPad to have all your homework and stuff on it, it's all gone. You loose your notes, your assignments, everything you payed and used for to put on it down the trash.
    3. The surprising thing about it is that you can do pretty much everything on it, including: reading books, taking notes, writing essays, making power points...etc.

  22. 1. The best thing about it is that you can easily take readable and emailable notes.
    2. The worst thing about it is that you can't really use it for math notes.
    3. The most surprising thing about it is how usefull it is in class if you need to look something up. If you don't understand something or you need to look up a word you can do it really quickly.
    - Laurel Bliss

  23. The best thing about the iPad is that taking notes for classes is very easy. I don't use any of the note taking apps, I just use Pages. I have a bunch of different documents on it, and during my study hall, I do my papers on it, instead of lugging around my big laptop.
    The worst thing about the iPad is that books are super expensive. I would love to have all of my lit books and other textbooks on my iPad, but you can't download a "lightly used" textbook on the iPad, it has to be new and expensive.
    The most surprising thing is that it has kept me super organized. Last year I hated my planner, and I never remembered to use it, but now I just whip out my iPad, and write it down, or record my voice saying what the assignments are, and it is very easy.

  24. The best thing about using the iPad for school is that, for the most part, it is incredibly convenient. I've gotten used to the software keyboard, and I've already written a couple essays with it. On the iPad, one can Google something, email, check the dictionary, or do many other things that one would normally use a computer to do. But its portability and its incredible battery life (I haven't charged mine in four days!) make the iPad the device of choice.

    The worst thing about using an iPad for school is that Apple has stubbornly refused to bring the traditional computer file system to the iPad. This does have certain advantages. For example, since an iPad app doesn't need to ask you where to save a file, everything can be (and is) saved automatically, without the need for user input. This means the user can quit an app whenever he or she pleases, without hassle. The tradeoff is that all your files made on a given app will be located in a single location on only that app, and once you make something on that app, it's frustratingly difficult to move it somewhere else. Because there is no central file system from which apps can open files, handling a single file in more than one app is impossible. Apple has APIs that let third party apps copy files to and from native iOS apps such as Mail and Photos, but the functionality is limited. What's worse, it is more difficult or even impossible to transfer files between two third-party apps. For example, you can't use the app FirstClass to email attachments because there's no way for the developers of the app to program FirstClass to take files from other apps. (The FirstClass app can, in fact, attach images saved to the native Photos app, but most people have many more file types to email than just images.) Apple built in these limitations partly for security reasons, partly because the company prefers that you'd use Apple's own integrated apps for handling certain media such as email and photos, and partly because Apple thinks the traditional way that computers present files to users is too confusing. To me it seems like a wash.

    There is one thing that truly surprises me about using the iPad for school. Before starting the pilot program, I was a bit worried that the iPad would be more of a distraction than it was worth. After using the iPad for two weeks, though, it seems to me that the iPad has actually increased my productivity. Yes, I have the entire Internet and a plethora of game apps available at the tap of a touchscreen, but when it's just as easy and (dare I say it) fun to do what I'm supposed to be doing, I'm able to survive without Angry Birds or Facebook at least as long as it takes to get things done. And as I mentioned in the first section, the iPad's convenience is unparalleled. I admit, the temptation is there, but it's usually just not potent enough to lure me into procrastination.

  25. 1. The best thing about having the iPad is its convenience and lightness. I can carry it around wherever I go, and it helps me make the most of my time- for example, I can work on my paper for lit if I get to Spanish early. When a teacher gives us time to work on an assignment that must be typed during class, many kids have to write it down, then type it when they get home. I get to type it right away, which is easier and faster.

    2. The worst part is that most teachers already have ways they want you to do things. For example, many teachers require you to have a binder with certain dividers/sections. I can still do some of the work on my iPad, but it's frustrating to have some of my work in one place and some in another instead of just having it all on the iPad. I feel like teachers would allow me to use the iPad more if everyone had one.

    3. The most surprising thing is how easy it is to pull it out and do something. I worried about having my planner on it because I thought it would be disruptive to pull it out in the middle of class when a teacher gives an assignment, but it isn't, and teachers don't seem to mind.

    -Rose Shue

  26. 1. The best thing about having the iPad at school is that it is super easy and convenient to take notes on.
    2. The worst thing about using the iPad in class is that you cannot take notes in math or foreign language on it. (Pages autocorrects most things you type in a foreign language).
    3. The most surprising thing about having the iPad at school is how supportive and encouraging my teachers are about my using the iPad in class.
    -Madison H.

  27. 1. the best thing for me has been orgaization, i type all my assigments into the calender part of my ipad and everynight i cheeck it and so far i havent missed a hoework assigment.

    2. The worst thing about it is that i thought taking notes on it would be alot easyer but i have found myself not being abe to take notes on it in alot of subjects that before i thought where going to be great for the ipads note taking apps.

    3. The most suprizing part about the ipad is how edecational it can be i had always thought of it as the angry bird or skyping device but it is very diverical to what you want to do with it.
    _Ally Braden

  28. The best thing about having my iPad at school is that I have everything in one place, so it is impossible for me to forget to bring something to class. It is also way easier to take notes on because I can record classes, and I can type, which is much easier for me than writing

    The worst thing about using my iPad for everything is that it is harder to turn in my work to the teachers. Some of the note taking apps make it really hard to print out the documents made on them.

    The most surprising thing has been that I can literally use my ipad for everything except in class work. It has made my bag so much lighter.

  29. I think one of the best things about having an iPad at school is that it goes to show people that you can have an electronic device in school and you can use it responsibly. One of the worst things is that if you do a paper in school and you want to print it out, most computers can't print directly from an iPad yet, so you just have to wait until later, or you could send it to your e-mail. A surprising thing is that I can use it for all the classes that I want to use it for, such as history or lit, I don't have to worry about not having paper for class.

  30. 1. the best thing about having an ipad is how easy and accessable everything is. if I was to be writing a paper, and needed to look up a word, with the press of a button, i could be at Mirriam webster dictionary.
    2. the worst thing about the ipad is the fact that if I want to print something, I have to email the word document, or pdf, to myself, then get on another computer to print something. this is partly due to the fact that the only printers you can use are HP printers that are specially made.
    3.the most surprising thing about the ipad is that although it is almost exactly like a itouch, it still feels like a computer. It also does about 80% of what a regular computer does, just in a different way.

  31. The best thing is it is easy to take notes.
    The worst thing is that you have to keep up with an iPad and a binder for quizzes and tests.
    The most du rising thing is that it's not that much different for me than using paper but much better than using a netbook or laptop.
    Chloe S.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. The best thing about having an iPad at school is the portability. I used to bring my computer to do things such as taking notes, but now with the iPad, I can pull it out and just quickly start doing things like taking notes or looking something up online.

    The worst thing about having an iPad at school is that I'm worried it will be stolen or get broken by me or somebody else. It has been okay so far, though.

    The most surprising thing about having an iPad at school is that it can do everything my computer does and more. I have really found it extremely useful. Also, I am surprised how appreciative of the iPads and open to the iPads the teachers are at school.

    Adam B.

  34. The best thing is having quick and easy access to a computer like device, a device on which I can easily and quickly jot things down but also have quick and easy access to first-class and to the internet, without all the hassle of getting out my laptop which takes a minute to start up and I have to plug it in and then pack it up etc. Etc. Etc.. I've found this extremely useful in class as well and in appropriate manners. Often I follow along in some of my classes on the Internet with whatever the teacher is teaching about. I do this only in classes in which I am comfortable and have som repor with the teacher and I know that they know that i am not using the iPad for inappropriate purposes.

    The worst thing has probably been just having an extra thing to keep track of and an extra thing to put in my shoulder bag algong with my folders and laptop.

    The most surprising thing is that I haven't been using my iPad that much as a calandar or planner

  35. 1. The best thing is probably that I can have my own planner(inclass the app) so I know when and where classes are and what Homework I have.

    2. Having to carry it around, it's heavy. Otherwise there is nothing bad about it.

    3. I got a science app called POMT with this app you can zoom into a human hand and see the cells inside. I am surprised by the amazing graphics. I also think it is amazing that an iPad can let you see the inside of a hand.

  36. 1. The best thing about having an iPad is it is perfect for almost all my classes. I have found apps that fit each of my subjects except for spanish. It also is very portable and I can acess things quickly.
    2. I am always worried that something will happen to it. Such as it breaking and losing all of its files.
    3. The accesability. The fact that I can use it like a computer and more.

  37. 1. The best thing about having the iPad is that it is really accessible and easy to use for many different purposes. I like being able to use the ipad during class times and, the ipad really makes me learn more actively.

    2. The worst thing about having the ipad is that it sometimes makes my teachers feel uncomfortable during class.

    3. The most surprising thing about the ipad is that i feels like I am using macbook, a laptop that I have always wanted

  38. 1.The best thing about having my Ipad at school is, first of all it's so much easier to store things, and not lose it. I am able to take notes quickly and not have to worry about it being messy or not.

    2. The worst thing about having my Ipad at school is I cannot take notes during Math, or language. When I would like too.

    3. The thing that surprises me the most about having an Ipad is, the fact how I can use it a lot during school, and it helps me a lot!

  39. 1. Using the iPad at school has been helpful for staying organized and taking notes in some classes. If I don't take notes on it directly in a class, I type them up on the iPad when I get home. It also helps me organize my homework.
    2. I don't really think there is anything that bad with using the iPad, I mean it is hard to take notes on it in math and french, but that's all.
    3. I am very surprised that I don't take notes on the iPad in class. I only take notes on it in one or two classes, and then I type up my other notes when I get home. I just find it easier that way.

  40. What has been the hardest/easiest/most surprising part of your experience with using the iPad?
    1. What have you found to be the best thing about having an iPad at school?
    I have found that the iPad is particularly helpful for APPhysics because we need to view PDFs multiple times a week. Using the Noterize app I am able to make notes on these PDFs as I do labs. The iPad is also helpful to look at teacher pages for homework assignments, or do blog posts for classes on the go.
    2.  What have you found to be the worst thing about having an iPad at school?
    In a couple of my classes I've found that the iPad is just much more frustrating than it is helpful, and therefore not helpful in the learning process. I was planning on using iBook or similar application for lit, but was unable to find one that was helpful. Most of the time it can be really inconvenient or bothersome to try and use my iPad for note taking.
    3.  What has been the most surprising thing about having an iPad at school?
    The most surprising thing has been how convenient it is to get first-class emails on the go. This makes it easier to keep my calendar updated for college meetings and club meetings.

    Margaret j

  41. 1 The most useful thing about the iPad for me is the simple convinience of it. Notes, lectures, study material, and flashcards are all in one place. As well as the Internet and other resources. This saves on time and also helps with organization.
    2. The worse thing about having my iPad at school is probably the lack of keyboard. It makes it harder to take notes and is probably the only thing that makes me go get a laptop instead of getting out my iPad.
    3. The most surprising thing for me is how easy it is for me to regard it as a tool as opposed to entertainment. I expected to have a harder time not treating it as a giant iTouch, but it wasn't hard at all.

  42. The beet thing about having an iPad at school is how light and portable it is. I can take the iPad everywhere with me and the battery life will last several days unlike a MacBook which must be plugged in at least once if it is being used heavily through out the day. The worst part about having an iPad at school is also one of the things i lokenmost about it. I take all my notes on it, and if I leave it at home I have no notes for any class. Being able to back up to drop box partially fixes this problem but its a complete pain. If I leave one of my notebooks at home I am only missing my notes for one class. I wasn't particularly supprised by the iPad, I suppose how useful it really is suppressed me. I use the iPad in all my classes, I expected to use it in maybe one class.
